Minggu, 02 Februari 2014

Should local language subject be deleted in curriculum 2013?

The respectable adjudicators,
Honourable audiences,
Assalamu’alaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
Good morning,
It’s a great pleasure for me to stand here for joining this speech contest, and in this good occasion, I’d like to deliver a speech with a title “should local language subject be deleted in curriculum 2013?”
Ladies and gentlemen,
Curriculum 2013 will be enacted in the new academic year, in July 2013. Reading the content of the curriculum, many teachers, especially local language teachers are so surprised and confused. Why,  ladies and gentlemen? Yeah, the reason is “Local language is not included in the curriculum”. Just imagine if you were the teacher of Local language, and your subject were not included in the curriculum?  I think you would feel the same with what they do. You would not be able to sleep all nights because you would be at risk in losing your work, right?
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
That’s the description of local language teachers responding to the content of curriculum 2013. With the absence of local language, local language teachers are very concerned with their work’s fate.  It’s stated there that local language can be intregated with the other lesson especially in cultural art lesson. It’s hard to imagine, what the language of the students will be if it is not handled by the language expert. And then where will the local language go? In this case, local language activists are also concerned with discourses or opinions related to the abolition of local languages ​​in the new curriculum 2013generation will not  know their mother tongue or language of their region, even in their daily conversation if the curriculum is really applied in this country. Then, a big question will appear here. Who will preserve our local  language? Well, at this time, the fact shows that it’s difficult for children to learn the local language, especially in their daily life conversation. Furthermore, if local language is really deleted from school teaching learning, parents will tend to make their children accostumed to communicate in Indonesian more often than the local language. As the result, the local language which is one of national assets will be extinct gradually and finally really extinct from this country. I believe , we all here don’t want this happens,  right?
Well, ladies and gentlemen, 
In any circumstances, the local language is one of character building that needs to be implemented to students. For example, Javanese, with its diversity and words level, this language teaches us the values of virtue and decency which are not taught by any other languages in the world, including in our national language, Indonesia. To the old persons, as the example. We must use very polite language level to respect them. Regarding to the uniqueness of our local language, like Javanese, it is learned by other countries as well. We can see from the television a Japanese woman can speak in a very polite Javanese level fluently and sing Javanese song so beautifully. Wow, amazing, right? How about Javanese generations? Can they do such a thing? Well, It’s an alaming thing if they will learn their own language to the others who actually just adopted their langauge. Oh no,  never make this happen, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, the abolition of local language will not only give bad impacts to our generation and teachers but also to college students who have studied and wanted to be the local language teachers at schools. I believe that they learn it not only for being a teacher but also for preserving Indonesian’s culture.Well, if local language is really deleted from curriculum 2013, How’s their fate? Well,  their efforts are reasonable to appreciate by this country, ladies and gentlemen.
Regarding to the consequences of the local language abolition, It’s expected that our government really considers the important things that are not detrimental to students and teachers. There should be the best solution for teachers if their subject is really removed.
Ladies and gentlemen,
In conclusion, local language is really important to teach at schools. The local language should not be deleted from the curriculum 2013. If the removal of vernacular discourse in the curriculum in 2013 was fully implemented, the government should consider the plan carefully and responsibly. The fate of the teachers, students or the others really depends on government’s policy. Those who have attempted to preserve our local language by their own ways should be appreciated well. Without any instructions about local language to young people at schools, Indonesia will lose his one of cultural wealths.
Ladies and gentlemen,
That’s all my speech. Thanks for your attention.
Wassalmu’alaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh