The honorable adjudicators
Distinguished audiences
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good .........
It’s a great pleasure for me to be with you today and to address you on this speech competition. In this sunny day, allow me to deliver a speech entitled “The importance of reviewing the content of Santet or witchcraft law”
Well, ladies and gentlemen
To refresh your mind, I’d like to ask you all here. Are you ready?
Do you know Teluh Susuk Konde, Teluh Buntu Jodoh, Santet Buto Ijo, Santet Semar Mendhem? (Is there anybody who knows those names?)
Well, there are some say yes, and some say no. That’s a natural thing because there are some who know and don’t know, or even feel indifferent with what Santet or witchcraft is. There are some who believe and some who disbelieve in santet.  ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that  Teluh Susuk Konde, teluh Buntu Jodoh, Santet Buto ijo, and Santet Semar Mendhem actually belong to hundreds kinds of Santet existing in our country, Indonesia. Wow, amazing, right? 

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