Kamis, 06 Maret 2014


The honorable adjudicators
Distinguished audiences
Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
Good .........
It’s a great pleasure for me to be with you today and to address you on this speech competition. In this sunny day, allow me to deliver a speech entitled “The importance of reviewing the content of Santet or witchcraft law”

Well, ladies and gentlemen
To refresh your mind, I’d like to ask you all here. Are you ready?
Do you know Teluh Susuk Konde, Teluh Buntu Jodoh, Santet Buto Ijo, Santet Semar Mendhem? (Is there anybody who knows those names?)
Well, there are some say yes, and some say no. That’s a natural thing because there are some who know and don’t know, or even feel indifferent with what Santet or witchcraft is. There are some who believe and some who disbelieve in santet.  ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that  Teluh Susuk Konde, teluh Buntu Jodoh, Santet Buto ijo, and Santet Semar Mendhem actually belong to hundreds kinds of Santet existing in our country, Indonesia. Wow, amazing, right? And this black magic has been done by irresponsible people in this country since 1970. Basically Santet is black magic done to insert objects or something into the body of another person in order to hurt. The objects could be a nail, a venomous animals, needles, glass or the other dangerous things. When Santet  is sent, the object chosen is converted from a matter into energy. Then, in the form of energy, it is sent to the targeted person. After right on the target, this energy is converted back into a matter. Then the person will get an incredible pain because of this action. Poor the person ladies and gentlemen. Just imagine if the person were you, what would you do ? It’s very hard question to answer, right?
Well, according to some criminal law experts, Indonesia requires the governing law of Santet or witchcraft because the phenomenon really occurs in Indonesia. In this country, it can be seen there are casualties and retaliation emotional nature, but there is no law. If the rule exists in this country,  the prevention of mass judgement acts will not occur because the reality shows that most of suspects of Santet action are directly punished by mass without involving law enforcement officers. If it is not organized well, there will be many more victims being killed. To solve this problem, the government is arranging article 293 of the Criminal Code which regulates the black magic or witchcraft. The article contains 1. everyone who claimed himself to have a supernatural power, notify expectations, offer or provide services of the supernatural power to others and can cause illness, death, mental anguish or physical person, he must be punished with imprisonment of five years or a maximum fine, three hundred million dollars. 2) if the offense contemplated in paragraph (1) committed the act for profit or livelihood or to make a habit, then the punishment may be coupled with one-third. Viewing the contents of the article, the government has good etiquette for community. In this case as a good citizen the bill should be appreciated.
However, unfortunately the law is still weak. It still needs a lot of considerations. Why do I say so ladies and gentlemen? Analyzed further, Santet is an invisible thing so it’s difficult to prove under the law that requires evidence. As Every religion teaches us, we can’t impose any punishment that is not seen, who sees witchcraft, how to prove it? how? It’s difficult, isn’t it? Only God knows the invisible ones. Moreover, it’s difficult to bring evidence from convicted for witchcraft issue. Razor blades, nails, and needles that have been synonymous with witchcraft can be bought anywhere. If this way is used by bad guys to spread slander to someone that they dislike is a black magic user, What will happen to the victims of slander? Therefore, In my opinion, our government still needs to design the witchcraft chapter more comprehensively. So, before applying the law, it must be understood and then supported by citizens and enforcement officials.
Thus, the effectiveness of such article should be determined by three things: first, clarity of formulation chapter, second law understanding by public, third law understanding by enforcement officials.  Many people are mistaken in understanding 'chapter witchcraft' in the draft Penal Code Act. The article is not intended to indict someone through the evidence of the victims affected by witchcraft. The main point here is offense with formulation emphasized on the prohibited act. While the material offended is focused on unintended consequences (forbidden). Only those who master the science of systematic and laws that can differentiate which one belongs to formal offense or informal one.

Based on my explanation previously, it can’t be denied that we need Santet law since it really happens in this country, but it’s better if our government reviews the clearness of the law comprehensively before applying it in this country, and makes the public and law official really understand what our our government targets.
Well, ladies and gentlemen,
That’s all my speech. Thanks for your attention

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