Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


 Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb

The honorouble judges
Distinguished audiences
Dear my friends who participate in this speech contest

In this good occasion, let me deliver a speech with a subject  The vast expansion of drugs in our country

Ladies and gentlemen,
I think we know that Drugs or narcotics are substances derived from plants or no plants, both synthetic and semi synthetic materials. If they are included in the human body, either through oral / drunk, inhaled, or injected,  they will give bad impacts to the users either physically or psychologically, like a decrease or change in consciousness, loss of pain. The occurrence of damage to the central nervous system (CNS) and the body organs like heart, lungs, liver and kidney can also happen. Knowing the bad impacts, why do many people still use drugs?

Ladies and gentlemen,
Let’s see the facts, from TV, newspaper, radio or internet we often see, watch or hear, Drugs cases news  are exposed  as one of the hottest news besides the other crimes. It’s mentioned there that there are alot of factories types of ecstasy and shabu-shabu easily found in the middle of settlements, the shop houses, even in the apartments.  Based on the reliable survey,  the number of drug users has increased vaster and vaster. Since 2008, the users of drugs have reached 3.6 million people or 2% of the population. That's what appears on the surface. The real number of users is far more predictable again. The Improving average number of users per year reaches 100,000 people. The users are from diverse backgrounds, ranging from teenagers, professionals, to artists. We can see a list of Indonesian artists, recorded once involved the use of drugs, from the movie players, stars of sinetron, until the singer. Why should this happen? ladies and gentlemen,

Analyzing further, it’s known that law enforcement we have made in Indonesia is still weak.  More ironically, not a few local police officers are actually actively involved in the dealer network. They became part of the circulation of drug distribution chain in Indonesia. This is what makes these networks are often difficult to completely uncover. We often see or hear that the drugs dealer could escape from the law’s strangulation that is predicted there was a bribery under the negotiation done by the crime executors and law makers.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Seeing the facts, can this country stop and prevent the drug distribution spreading so vast anywhere?
I think if our government, law makers and we all must cooperate each other. For the government, Firm law must be applied. Law enforcement officials also have to dare to pursue, unpacking, and cut all the sales and distribution networks of drugs from upstream to downstream. Severe punishment should be imposed to those who proved to be the makers and dealers. More severe punishment for law enforcement more involved drugs, either as users or dealers, like giving severe penalty including  death ones to drugs distributor done by many countries. Just take example, Malaysia sentenced the distributor for trafficking 1 kilogram /2.2 pounds of cannabis into the country.  By giving the firm law, I think the drugs distributor will think twice for having drugs business in this country. This should be started  by closing the chances of survival and development of this devil stuff on all fronts: production, distribution, and user.  

Besides, The awareness of not using drugs because of its dangerous impact should always be implanted in our country either formally or informally in various kinds of fields. Just take example, educational one which has the main role in preventing the drug’s consumption. Here, the schools continually give regular meeting  to their students about the dangers of taking drugs. Communities, even countries must be involved actively in the war against drugs. The last, the main factor to protect this country’s generation is family. Keep a good relationship between father, mother, and children. Parents should pay attention to their children’s affairs. Don’t let them get involved with the bad environment.

Ladies and gentlemen,
To close my speech, let me give suggestion,
Let’s save our country from the drugs users and dealers. Let’s shake our hands together to prevent and stop the drugs coming into our country that can destroy our generation’s future.

That’s all my speech. Thanks for the attention
Wassalamualaikum Wr.wb

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