Rabu, 15 Juni 2011


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.
The respectable adjudicators
Distinguished audiences
Dear my friends who participate in this speech contest

Ladies and Gentlemen
It’s a great pleasure for me to stand here for joining this speech contest. In this good occasion, I’d like to deliver a speech with a subject “ On line game effect

Ladies and Gentlemen
The growth of internet usage gets increasing so rapidly at this era. Because either individual or instance needs the internet for daily activities, job, and various kinds of field. With the information, telecommunication and technology progress, business chance to earn money via internet appears  like the consolation industry which offers online game. The business men make effort to make the game as fun as possible or as challenging as possible . It’s expected that whoever playing the game will find something enjoyable and have great curiosity of the game. As the result, the users want to play again and again that make them addicted.

Ladies and gentlemen,
We know here not only smoking, drugs can also make people addicted. Addiction can also attack the on line game users. Seen at a glance, addiction has the least risk for the users among smoking and drugs. The fact proves that online game addiction give more negative impacts then they do. The addiction can raise up the other tremendous impacts. The first, regarded from the social impact, since the users of the on line game often spend their time in front of computer’s screen, they will have no time to get along with their friends like asking school’s homework or just having a joke. Besides, they can’t spend their  time to gather with their family for sharing anything like their private problems. As the result, the relation with their  friends and family could be distantly spaced.

Ladies and gentlemen,
Regarding to the psychology, the users’ mind are set to keep thinking of the on line game. In this situation, they will get difficulty in focusing on lessons. In their mind, playing on line game is more interesting than studying. They feel lazy to think the harder materials. The worst thing can happen that they will play a truant for the sake of the game. Besides, they will be indifferent and have less care of their surrounding. Here, the probable character formed is selfish or introvert.
How about the moral effect ladies and gentlemen?
The addicts may be accustomed to do negative things for satisfying their need in on line game like lying their parents. For example: they ask permission to study at their friends’ home but the fact, they go to internet  cafe for playing on line game.
Physically, playing game continually in front of computer’s screen causes dangerous effect for eyes health. Besides, sitting too much, eating less because of being preoccupied to play the game can cause kidney and interior cavity. The weight gets decreased because of forgetting to eat. In reverse, it can also make over weight if the users have too much meal imbalanced by enough exercise.
With considering the bad impacts of on line game, let’s think over what to do as the smart youngsters. There are other compulsories or obligations what to do than playing on line game.
To avoid addiction of on line game, parents play the main role  for controlling their child. The parents should maintain a good relationship with their child. Besides, they can monitor with whom their child get along with. Never let them live in a bad surrounding that can give the bad impacts to his/her life.
 For the addict, let me suggest you how to avoid the addiction. Well, having strong willingness to quit the habit is really needed. Find a good environment for your daily activities and pray to God for guiding you all time. To make your mind fresh, it’s okay to play the game but you must remember that limiting the time is required. So, you will not be addicted because of over curiosity of the game.
That’s all my speech. 
Thanks for your attention
Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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